Drew Beausoleil


I'm a gamer first and foremost. I have been my entire life. It's why I do what I do, talk to friends, family, even complete strangers about video games. This is my passion! I have been pushing my way into the video game industry since 2012 and never looked back. Covering everything and anything I can to be involved in one way or another with this industry. My own gaming news website, YouTube channel, TV Show, it didn't matter I just want to talk about the very industry I love, with whoever would would like to listen. I have had a lot of help along the way and met a lot of very incredible people who have brought me to where I am today. The future of this industry is bright and with my crew, I am very excited to watch us grow.

Favorite game: Is that even possible? Stealth games, but if I had to pick one.... Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater! Snake? Snake? SNAAAAKE!

Cory Askew


Hey, I'm Cory! I've been playing video games my whole life. Started with Mario and the original NES and now play most of the new up and coming titles on console!

I generally find myself playing competitive online multiplayer games such as COD, Rainbow Six Siege, Fortnite and some EA Sports titles. I find the ever changing learning curve to these new shooters keeps the game fresh and my interest in them peaked!

I'm excited to be part of the ITG crew so we can share our love of video games with you guys and keep you up to date with all the latest and greatest there is in this great industry!

Scot Savage


Hi, I'm Scot Savage and I am the newest addition to the team here at ITG.

From an early age I knew I was going to be hooked on games and the universes expressed though such an amazing medium. My greatest and earliest memories include playing Happy Wheels and Commander Keen on pc, or screaming N-SIXXTTTY-FOUUUUURRRR with my brother that Christmas morning!

I have to owe my love for games partly to my father - who killed arcades back in the day and showed me how to have fun with even basic games from Atari. The rest of the credit goes to my brother who got me into stealth games and 1st person shooters, and always brought me up to a competitive level.

I will never forget watching Vic and Tommy on Reviews on the Run every Saturday! Then talking with my friends endlessly in the school yard about what crazy good times we all had - as I got older it became clear - this obsession as a child would definitely remain as a full-time hobby as an adult.

That brings us to the current day where I hone this hobby into an even better one! All those years of gaming *ahem* and a giant gamerscore *ahem* have left me with a critical eye for industry trends but most importantly a lens to detect the merits of a game despite the popular opinion. I love sinking time into games that maybe aren't the typical AAA blockbuster because I can appreciate certain core elements that really drive a great experience.

I am super happy to be a part of the ITG crew so I can offer my honest opinions and excitement on a platform similar to one I grew up watching!

Steve Radley


I am re-learning the art of gaming. Always loved playing games at a young age. When I got my first commodore 64 and waiting 30 minutes to load a game, to sometimes it not always working at all. I also had a Phillips CDI, my first disc console as it had done Bluth, Dragons Lair that I always remember playing at the arcades, to an Xbox and Nintendo Wii. I was away from gaming for a while, until I met a bunch of guys talking about games they had played, with such passion and energy and excitement, it was like they were talking about a good book they had just read, it gave me the urge to get back into gaming again.

My favorite games are one of choices, like Until Dawn, Detroit: Become Human, and action games like God Of War 3, Destiny 2 and uncharted. One thing I have learnt is there is no age limit to gaming.